iLab Cores at University of Michigan

Cores at Dentistry
Core Name | Primary Contact | Phone Number/Ext | |
UMICH School of Dentistry Histology Core
The Histology Core Facility at the Dental School specializes in sectioning of hard (demineralized) tissues. The Core offers basic histology and staining. Paraffin and frozen histology are also available. |
Theresa Cody | | 734-647-4324 |
UMICH School of Dentistry MicroCT Core
At the MicroCT Core, Scanco µCT 100 micro-computed tomography system provides high resolution scans of radio opaque specimens such as bone, contrasted soft tissue, bio materials, etc. |
Michelle Lynch | | 734-615-7631 |
UMICH School of Dentistry Molecular Biology
The Molecular Biology Core is a School of Dentistry sponsored, biotechnology core facility which has been serving our research community since 2001. We provide real-time quantitative PCR (ViiA7, 7500 instruments). |
Taocong Jin | | 734-615-4833 |

Cores at Institute for Social Research
Core Name | Primary Contact | Phone Number/Ext | |
The HomeLab offers a fully functional apartment to facilitate whole-systems human-centered research in a wide variety of contexts such as: care-at-home, physical rehabilitation, internet of things, aging in place, etc. |
Jeannette Jackson, M.B.A. | | 734-763-5325 |

Cores at Life Sciences Institute
Core Name | Primary Contact | Phone Number/Ext | |
UMICH Center for Structural Biology (CSB)
The Center for Structural Biology (CSB), housed in the Life Sciences Institute, is a comprehensive structural biology resource for researchers at the University of Michigan and surrounding areas. |
Jeanne Stuckey, Ph.D. | | (734) 647-7534 |
UMICH Cryo-EM Facility
The U-M Life Sciences Institute is home to a world-class cryo-EM laboratory, with state-of-the-art instruments and faculty specializing in this emerging field. |
Jenn Soules | | (734) 647-7772 |
The Center for Chemical Genomics provides high-throughput screening of extensive small molecule, natural product and siRNA libraries – along with assay development and optimization – for basic biology and drug discovery projects. |
Andy Alt | | 734-763-2340 |
UMICH Natural Products Discovery Core
The University of Michigan Natural Products Discovery Core (NPDC) has developed a 40,000-sample (and growing) library of natural product extracts derived from a unique collection of diverse marine and terrestrial actinomycetes, fungi and cyanobacteria. |
Jenn Frye | | 734-647-7772 |

Cores at Literature, Science, and the Arts
Core Name | Primary Contact | Phone Number/Ext | |
State of the art NMR instruments provide the ability to obtain structural, dynamic and kinetic information on biological macromolecules including protein, RNA and DNA. Automated sampling devices also make it ideal for metabolomics and high throughput data collection. |
Debashish Sahu | | 734-647-3872 |
UMICH Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility
The Biological Mass Spectrometry facility provides analysis of intact proteins, multi-protein complexes, and protein structure, identification and purification of compounds from complex mixtures coupled with quantitative analysis, and purification using mass directed autopurification liquid chromato |
Carmen Dunbar, PhD | | 828-406-0385 |

Cores at Medical School
Core Name | Primary Contact | Phone Number/Ext | |
UMICH Animal Studies Core
The Animal Studies Core (ASC) aims to provide expertise and services to basic biomedical researchers using rodent models to study processes relevant to diabetes, its complications, and related endocrine and metabolic disorders. |
Nathan Qi. MD, PhD | | 734-232-8223 |
UMICH Cancer Data Science Shared Resource
Kim Zuhlke | | |
UMICH Center for Molecular Imaging
The CMI is a shared resource aimed at providing state-of-the-art imaging services for the research community. The CMI is a central, diverse, and dynamic combination of facilities wherein exchange of techniques and ideas can occur, fostering productive interdisciplinary collaborations in research. |
Amanda Fair | | 734-615-3009 |
The CyTOF Core at the University of Michigan was founded in 2018 to promote a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment on the University of Michigan’s North Campus. Our goal is to share our equipment and expertise with ambitious researchers to help solve the most challenging problems in cellu |
Trang Hoang | | 5156395119 |
UMICH Experimental Irradiation
The Experimental Irradiation Core specializes in moderate dose (0.1-4 Gy/min) and low dose irradiation (0.05-0.3 Gy/hr) of cell cultures, tissues and animals. |
David Karnak | | 734-645-2205 |
UMICH Hybridoma Core
The Hybridoma Core generates somatic-cell hybrids (hybridomas) that produce monoclonal antibodies of desired specificity. The Core offers state-of-the-art monoclonal antibody technologies and services to biomedical research investigators. |
Elizabeth Smith | | 734 763-9271 |
UMICH Immune Monitoring Shared Resource
The Rogel Cancer Center Immunology Core provides research assistance to members of the university, with priority given to Rogel Cancer Center members. |
Joel Whitfield | | 734-647-9524 |
UMICH MDRC Chemistry Laboratory
The Michigan Diabetes Research Center's Chemistry Laboratory is a clinical core providing many assays related to diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. |
Jason Whalen, B.S. | | 734-763-1025 |
UMICH MNORC Nutrition, Exercise, and Phenotype Testing (NExT) Core
The overall objective of the Nutrition, Exercise and Phenotype Testing (NExT) Core is to enhance and expand the research capabilities of investigators performing clinical and translational studies related to nutritional interventions, obesity, or obesity-related disorders in humans. |
Sarah Ball | | |
UMICH Micro & Nano Computed Tomography Advanced Imaging Core
The nano- and micro-CT facility core provides services for acquiring three-dimensional imaging and quantitative analysis of biological and engineered structures/materials. The core is capable of imaging mineralized tissues and soft tissues with the aid of radiographic contrast agents. |
Andrea Clark | | (734) 615-6956 |
UMICH Microbiome Core
The Microbiome Core provides services and resources to microbiome researchers from across campus and beyond. These services include microbial community analysis, microbial cultivation, germ-free & gnotobiotic mouse facilities, and the strain collection database. |
Christina Cartaciano-Marino | | |
UMICH Microscopy and Imaging Analysis Core (MIAC) Michigan Diabetes Research Center
The MIAC provides state-of-the-art protein and RNA imaging and cell physiological analysis to enhance the diabetes-related research at the University of Michigan. |
Diabetes Center: Stephen Lentz PhD and Carol Elias, PhD | / | 734-647-8233 / 734-647-2801 |
UMICH Molecular Genetics Core (Michigan Diabetes Research)
The Molecular Genetics Core of the Michigan Diabetes Research Center provides services related to the application of genetic methodologies to research questions related to diabetes. |
David P. Olson, MD, PhD | | 734-232-8205 |
UMICH Orthopaedic Research Laboratories (ORL) Histology Core
Enhancing existing research by centralizing histologic efforts to achieve high quality and reasonably priced histology for center investigators, and to ensure, in collaboration with the other Cores, a cost-effective, efficient, integrated, hierarchical approach to evaluation of tissue phenotypes. |
Carol Whitinger | | 936-1635 |
UMICH Single Cell Spatial Analysis Resource
The Single Cell Analysis Resource aims to help researchers explore molecular aspects of cellular heterogeneity, population diversity, and complexity within single cell samples prepared from tissues, biological fluids (e.g. blood), tumors and cultured cell lines. |
Evan Keller, D.V.M., Ph.D. | | |
UMICH Single IRB Review
The sIRB centralizes the regulatory review of the human research activities taking place at all of the participating sites for a project. The type of IRB application used for the sIRB review of a cooperative research study varies. |
Nicole Robson | | 734-763-4768 |
UMICH Tissue & Molecular Pathology Shared Resource
The Tissue and Molecular Pathology Core consists of several distinct, yet complementary services, all relating to the procurement and evaluation of tissue for research. The Core provides procurement of surgically resected neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissue (fresh and frozen). |
Thomas Giordano, MD, PhD | | 734-764-6683 |
UMMS Central Biorepository
The Central Biorepository, a unit of the University of Michigan Medical School Office of Research, facilitates discovery and improves healthcare outcomes by providing high-quality, highly annotated human biospecimens donated for basic, clinical and translational research. |
Vici Blanc | | 734-763-6423 |
UMich ULAM Pathology Core
IVAC provides necropsy/tissue collection, animal hematology and clinical chemistry, histology and immunohistochemistry slide preparation, digital slide scanning and quantitative analysis, and pathology interpretation on a fee-for-service basis for non-clinical (animal), non-GLP studies on camp... |
ULAM Pathology Core | |

Cores at Medical School – BRCF
Core Name | Primary Contact | Phone Number/Ext | |
UMICH Advanced Genomics Core
The University of Michigan Advanced Genomics Core Genomic Analysis Services, part of the Biomedical Research Core Facilities within the Medical School Office of Research, provides high-quality, low-cost DNA analysis for research clients on a recharge basis. |
Olivia Koues, Ph.D. | | (734) 764-8531 |
UMICH Bioinformatics Core
The BRCF Bioinformatics Core provides bioinformatics analysis to support research activities. |
Marci Brandenburg | | 734-615-1643 |
UMICH Biomedical Research Store
The BRCF Biomedical Research Store provides on-site procurement of enzymes, reagents, and kits used in molecular, cell biology, and some protein chemistry. |
Stephen Russell | | 734-936-2870 |
UMICH Epigenomics
The BRCF Epigenomics Core provides sample quality control, library preparation, and sequencing for the study of cytosine and histone modifications. |
Claudia Lalancette, PhD | | 734-764-2223 |
UMICH Flow Cytometry Core
The BRCF Flow Cytometry Core provides instrumentation and expertise for flow cytometric analysis or cell sorting. |
David Adams | | 734-764-8107 |
UMICH Metabolomics Core
The BRCF Metabolomics Core provides determination of small quantity metabolites in cells, tissues, and biological fluids. |
Maureen Kachman | | 734-232-0842 |
UMICH Microscopy Core
The BRCF Microscopy Core provides instrumentation and expertise for microscopic imaging studies of cell and tissue morphology and ultrastructure. |
Jennifer Peters | | 734-936-4912 |
UMICH Proteomics Resource Facility
The goal of the PRF is to assist researchers in designing proteomic experiments, maintain state-of-the-art instrumentation, provide technical expertise and bioinformatics support during both discovery and validation phases of proteomic experiments. |
Alexey Nesvizhskii, Ph.D | | (734) 764-3516 |
UMICH Transgenic Animal Model Core
The BRCF Transgenic Animal Model Core provides expertise in CRISPR/Cas9 in transgenic mice, rats, and embryonic stem cell technology. |
Zach Freeman | | 734-764-0277 |
UMICH Vector Core
The Vector Core produces gene transfer vectors that facilitate the transfer of specific genes into either normal or aberrant cells. We also provide full service gene editing in cell lines using CRISPR technology. |
Thomas Lanigan | | 734-764-5201 |

Cores at Pharmacy
Core Name | Primary Contact | Phone Number/Ext | |
UMICH Biochemical NMR Core
The Biochemical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (BNMR) Laboratory provides research support for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty. We offer quantitative metabolomics NMR services for different biological fluids including whole blood, serum, plasma, urine, cell media. |
Larisa Yeomans | | 734-763-9284 (lab); 520-204-5556 (cell) |

Cores at U-M Office of Research
Core Name | Primary Contact | Phone Number/Ext | |
UMICH Michigan Performance Research Laboratory
The Michigan Performance Research (MiPR) Laboratory helps elite athletes and everyday exercisers achieve their personal best. The lab investigates the biomechanics of human movement with the intention of optimizing potential, performance, and functionality. |
MiPR Contact | |
Other cores at University of Michigan
Core Name | Primary Contact | Phone Number/Ext | |
UMICH Academic IT Core
The Academic IT Core offers a set of specialized IT services designed with our research community in mind. The Core is unique as the services will be available on-demand for a recharge rate outside of the typical IT budget cycle. |
Erin Dietrich | | 734-730-6191 |
UMICH Liquid Biopsy Shared Resource
Aaron Udager | | |
UMICH Michigan Center for Translational Pathology
General Email | | |
UMICH Ophthalmology Vision Research Center
Scott Almburg | | 734-936-7381 |