UMICH Center for Molecular Imaging

Overview of Services

The Center for Molecular Imaging is a state-of-the-art facility aimed at providing the research community with the latest imaging instruments. We are located at the Biomedical Science Research Building.




The Center for Molecular Imaging at the Biomedical Science Research Building is a shared resource aimed at providing state-of-the-art imaging services for the research community. The CMI offers a diverse range of imaging systems including an IVIS bioluminescent/fluorescent imaging system, a Bruker 7 Tesla horizontal bore MRI system and a 4D Medical Permetium mouse lung CT system. The CMI has become a central, diverse and dynamic resource facility wherein exchange of techniques and ideas can occur, fostering productive interdisciplinary collaborations in research.



All first time users of the Center for Molecular Imaging who are interested in imaging live animals must first update their IACUC animal protocol and then complete access paperwork and receive instrument-specific training.  Please contact Amanda Fair at 734-615-3009 or by email at for more information and the required paperwork.




Facility Manager and CMI Contact:

Amanda Fair

Phone: 734-615-3009 



Location and hours of operation

Locations Hours


109 Zina Pitcher Place                     

Ann Arbor, MI  48109


Monday- Friday

9am - 5 pm


Links and Resources

  1. Center for Molecular Imaging Website


Name Role Phone Email Location
Amanda Fair
Facility Manager