UMICH MDRC Chemistry Laboratory

Overview of Services

The Michigan Diabetes Research Center's Chemistry Laboratory is a clinical core providing many assays related to diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.  Our IBC number is IBCA00001967.

Process to Use Services

To use the services of the MDRC Chemistry Laboratory on a recharge basis, it is necessary to complete the Consultation Request (Request Services tab).

After you submit this information, laboratory personnel will reach out to you to review your project and develop an aliquoting scheme for the assays you have requested. The MDRC Chemistry Laboratory's aliquoting scheme will group the assays/sample types in such a way to minimize the number of freeze-thaw cycles (FTC) for the samples and will also minimize the number of aliquots that need to be prepared at the time of sample collection.

Once this review/approval process is complete, you will receive a MDRC Chemistry Laboratory Project Number. This number will be used in conjunction with the Sample Submission Form (Request Services Tab) for all future sample submissions associated with this project.

Individual Assays

The MDRC Chemistry Laboratory currently offers forty-six (46) different individual assays. Species, sample type, minimum batch size, minimum sample volume, and per sample pricing is available on our Request Services tab in the Service List section. If your analyte is not on this list, please contact the laboratory using the Contact Us tab as we may be able to add it.


●  ACTH ●  Bile Acids (total) ●  Cystatin C ●  Glucose ●  Parathyroid Hormone, Intact
●  Adiponectin, Human ●  Cholesterol ●  DHEAS ●  Growth Hormone ●  Progesterone
●  Albumin ●  Cholesterol, HDL ●  Estradiol ●  Hemoglobin A1c, Human ●  Proinsulin
●  ALT ●  Cholesterol, LDL ●  Ferritin ●  IgE (total) ●  T4 (free)
●  Anhydroglucitol, 1,5- ●  Corticosterone, Rodent ●  Free Fatty Acids ●  IGF-1 ●  T4 (total)
●  Apolipoprotein AI ●  Cortisol ●  Fructosamine ●  Insulin ●  Testosterone (total)
●  Apolipoprotein B ●  C-Peptide ●  Gamma GT ●  Leptin ●  Total Protein
●  Apolipoprotein CIII ●  C-Reactive Protein ●  Ghrelin (total) ●  Lipid Profile ●  Triglycerides
●  AST ●  Creatinine, Serum or Urine ●  Glucagon ●  Microalbumin ●  TSH (rapid)
        ●  Urea


Multiplex Services

The MDRC Chemistry Laboratory offers multiplex services featuring Millipore Sigma’s MILLIPLEX® catalog of panels on a Luminex™ 200™ Instrument System. These panels offer a broad selection of analytes measured from a single, small volume sample. Panels are available for human, mouse, rat, and more. Sample types include serum, plasma and cell culture. A list of available panels can be found in the Links and Resources section below. Each panel is customizable within the group of analytes available on that particular panel. You can choose any combination (in most cases) and any number of analytes on each pre-defined panel. The panels are custom ordered from Millipore Sigma using the investigator’s recharge account and are shipped directly to the MDRC Chemistry Laboratory. In addition to the panel cost, each panel will be charged a labor/report writing fee which is detailed on our Request Services tab in the Service List section.

ELISA Services

The MDRC Chemistry Laboratory offers ELISA services as well. We have a handful of ELISA’s that we offer regularly to our diabetes research community such as mouse leptin, adiponectin, c-peptide, and insulin, but we may also be able to run your specifically chosen ELISA panel. Once we determine if we can run your specific ELISA panel, you can either provide the ELISA panel with the samples or we can order the panel for you. If we order the panel for you, the investigator’s recharge account will be used to purchase the panel and it will be shipped directly to the MDRC Chemistry Laboratory. In addition to the panel cost, each panel (supplied by you or purchased by us) will be charged a labor/report writing fee which is detailed on our Request Services tab in the Service List section. If you would like ask if we can run your specific ELISA panel or your specific analyte via ELISA, please use the Contact Us tab.


Jason Whalen, B.S. (primary lab contact) Research Associate Senior/Lab Manager 734-763-1025
David Manthei, M.D., Ph.D. Core Director 734-232-5474

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 

MSRB-2, Level C, Room C562
1150 W Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Links and Resources

  1. MDRC Chemistry Laboratory Homepage
  2. MDRC Chemistry Laboratory Assay List
  3. MDRC Chemistry Laboratory Multiplex Panel Brochure


Name Role Phone Email Location
Jason Whalen, B.S.
Research Associate Senior/Lab Manager